Deluxe 4000 Side Entry

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3 results found, Show results 1 - 3

Stacy Starnes
Aug 12, 2019
Crate is well designed and sturdy. Assembly instructions are easy to follow. Customer service was excellent. Our crate was delivered with shipping damage and the required replacement panel was shipped promptly upon notifying a Zinger representative of the issue.
Sheena VandenBergh
Jul 23, 2019
"Thank you for modifying Lyra's crate so she can travel safely to and from all the events she competes at!"
Nicole Brown
Feb 19, 2016
Met with Rob today to discuss a set up for my vehicle and he was wonderful! Exceptional customer service and very patient as we went through all the things I was looking for.
Looking forward to getting my crate and protecting my cargo.

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