Professional 5000 Front Entry

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4 results found, Show results 1 - 4

Susanne Levesque
Apr 4, 2018
Malik the GSD loves the Zinger Escape Artist PR5000 crate. He follows me everywhere and Its a huge piece of mind knowing he is safe and happy in his crate. Well worth the extra cost. The incredible service was great too amazingly friendly staff that answered any questions I had right away
Kendall Pigeau
Jan 20, 2018
Best investment we ever made for our escape expert husky!!! As soon as he realized he couldn't get out he finally started to relax in the kennel and even goes in it willingly now.
Caitlin Borrelli
Oct 12, 2017
After struggling with flimsy wire cages and plastic crates that could not stand up to the brute force of an anxiety ridden/escape artist Beauceron, I finally had enough and bought the Zinger 5000. It arrived just over a month and a half ago and I can safely say that he has been completely unable to do any damage or even come close to escaping this crate!

It was relatively easy to set up (Tip: you definitely need 2 people!) and while it’s bigger than other cages, it’s sleek metal design still looks great in my home. The heavy duty construction allows me to go to work and not worry that he might be breaking free and destroying my home and injuring himself in the process!

This is such a great product! Worth every penny (and I know it may seem like MANY pennies) for the peace of mind this crate has given me.

You have helped save my home, my dog and my sanity! :)

- Fast Shipping
- Escape-Proof
- Easy Assembly
Perfect Companion K-9 Dog Training
Oct 11, 2017
I have been very happy with the quality

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